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The Big Three - Mike Nugent

The big three in the Motor City normally refers to GM, Ford and Chrysler. These companies are still the dominant industry for our community. Since moving to Metro Detroit, I learned to respect all three companies and the people who work for them. The loyalty and commitment to their brand is quite impressive.  

Personally, though I have a different loyalty. The Bible presents us with a different big three. I know you think this going to be about the Father, Son and Spirit. OK, I admit they are the biggest big three. But, I am referring to a different big three.  Paul writes to the Corinthians, “And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.”  (1 Corinthians 13:13)

Most people see how love is one of the most important things. Love moves people to marriage; gives parents the strength to care for children; and friendships, the ability to forgive. Many people know how important faith is. Faith can move mountains. Faith brings salvation. Faith is simply amazing. But hope is rarely given a second thought.  

For many, hope, is a passive expression with little meaning. I hope the job interview goes well. I hope I pass the test. I hope my parents let me stay out late. I hope we win this game. And if hope is this trivial, why does it remain alongside such powerful words as faith and love? Faith, hope and love are gifts of the Spirit that last even when the Kingdom of God comes. I am confident, there is nothing trivial about the hope Paul speaks about. 

Hope is so much more than a passive expression. Hope is expecting amazing things. Hope is anticipating with great joy and excitement. Hope draws a longing from deep within our hearts that waits for something incredible. We have hope Jesus will one day come back and bring his perfect kingdom just as scripture promises.  We hope we are children of God and will receive the inheritance he has promised his adopted children. We hope we will be made new someday and every weakness within us removed.  We hope one day we will see God face to face and experience his goodness for all eternity. We hope God will work together all things for the good of those who love him and are called according to his purpose. We hope this virus will be here for a time and then no more.  

Our God is bigger than all of this. For those of us who live our lives for God, we hope our God will never fail. He gives peace to us when we face hardship. He loves us even when we make mistakes. He uses our hardships for His good. Through the challenge of covid 19, our God will overcome. He will use this for his good. Let’s be people who place our hope in him. I wonder what the world would think of the church, if all its people put their hope in the promises of God. Would it look different than the news on tv?  Would it look different than the words on Facebook and Instagram? What would it mean for us to put our hope in him?

Prayer:  Bring all your cares to God and pray for power to put your hope in him.

Action:  Share the hope you have with one person today.

Hope, namely, of eternal life, Titus 1:2; of an incorruptible inheritance, 1 Peter 1:3; an exceeding great and eternal weight of glory, 2 Corinthians 4:17; hope, founded on our being heirs of these blessings, in consequence of our being children of God by adoption and regeneration, John 1:12-13; Romans 8:17 : hope, productive of gratitude, joy, patience, purity, and all good works: see 1 Peter 1:3; Romans 5:2; 1 Thessalonians 1:3; 1 John 3:3; 1 Corinthians 15:58.

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