The Church is More - Brenda Sweeney
In this time of social distancing and separation, it is sometimes difficult not to perceive the church as just a building where we go to worship. But, you know what? It’s so much more than brick and mortar; it’s you, it’s me, it’s the relationships we built on Christ-centered love and compassion. It is a foundation that helps keep our relationships strong when, for a time, we can’t meet face to face. While it may be challenging, it is possible, through God’s grace and technology we can stay “connected”. Although services are online, love, caring and concern are not.
That same love and caring for others is experienced when we worship together. The reality is the church is not just a building, but a body of believers who come together wherever we meet, even online. Even though we can’t be together physically, we can reach people where they are and still experience true worship. Now, more than ever, we need to connect with each other and seize this opportunity to give honor and glory to God.
We also need to keep in mind the church is not just some place we go to on Sundays; we are the church because Christ is in our hearts no matter where we are or what distance separate us. As the church, we commit ourselves to being there for each other, helping one another in whatever way we can. When we reach out to each other and offer our time, encouragement, comfort, and love, our church not only survives, it thrives. We’re not just a church, we’re a community of believers who, even during isolation, provides much-needed companionship, solace and prayer.
If you know someone who is going through tough times, think about what you can do to help them this week. Perhaps there is someone who needs to hear the sound of a human voice, a voice of soothing comfort and conversation. While social distancing is necessary, “relational distancing is not.” Even though we are separated, we will weather this storm together, with God’s help.
Father, we are truly blessed in this time of unrest and chaos, because we know that you will not abandon us. We need to lean on you to receive the gift of the Holy Spirit in leading and guiding us through this time of crisis, as we fill our hearts and minds with peace, love, and a desire to be of service and comfort to others. Thank you for all you are and all you do. It is in your most holy and precious name that we pray. Amen.
Prayer: Ask God to show you someone you can show love, comfort and encouragement.
Action: Give the love, comfort and encouragement as God has led you.
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